C# Junior's Essential Guide: Unveiling Answers to FAQs - Set #5

By pajus, 21 July, 2023
  1. What is the difference between method overriding and method overloading in C#?
    • Method overriding involves providing a new implementation for a method that is already defined in a base class.
    • It allows a derived class to provide its specialized implementation while retaining the method signature of the base class.
    • Method overloading, on the other hand, allows defining multiple methods with the same name within a class, but with different parameters.
    • Overloaded methods must have distinct parameter lists, enabling flexible method invocation based on the argument types.
  2. What are delegates and events in C#, and how are they used?
    • Delegates in C# are function pointers that allow encapsulating and passing methods as parameters to other methods.
    • They enable implementing callback mechanisms, dynamic invocation, and providing extensibility to applications.
    • Events in C# are based on delegates and provide a way to create and manage event-driven programming patterns.
    • Events allow decoupling of event publishers and subscribers, facilitating the implementation of event handling.
  3. What is LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) in C# and how does it simplify data querying?
    • LINQ is a powerful feature that allows querying and manipulating data from different data sources in a uniform way.
    • It provides a set of query operators to work with collections, databases, XML, and other data sources.
    • LINQ queries are type-safe and checked at compile time, reducing runtime errors and promoting better code readability.
    • It simplifies data querying tasks and supports complex data filtering, sorting, and aggregation operations.
